
I heart Amazon.com

One of my most favorite gifts every Christmas is from my friend Jill. She gets me a gift card to Amazon.com. And what's so cool is that it comes in the form of an email, and I can go directly to Amazon and just start buying. It's greatness. So, let me tell you what I bought this time around:

1. Like Blood Like Honey by Holly Brook
2. History for Sale by Blue October
3. A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar by Dashboard Confessional
4. Songs About Jane by Maroon 5
5. The Reminder by Feist

And, if you can believe it, I got all of this for under $30! I am such the bargain shopper!
Usually, I buy all books, but I have been craving music a lot more lately, so I figured I'd go with it.

But, since I am a book whore (according to my husband), I am going to Borders this weekend to buy:
1. How to be Lost by Amanda Ward
2. Change Me into Zeus' Daughter by Barbara Moss
3. Fierce by Barbara Moss

And I really have no pull to any specific bookstore, but I'm going to borders because I have coupons! (told you i was a bargain shopper!) and maybe half priced books because I have a gift card there.

That's all I got tonight.....


Kristie said...

I have the book "How to be Lost", but haven't read it. I'm a book whore too! I spend more money on books (and shoes) than anything.

Chris Spencer said...

I added your blog to my links list, I hope you don't mind. I really like how you write, and what you write about, so I want other people to enjoy it too.

Hope all is well.


Anonymous said...

thanks chris! i appreciate the compliment! :)