My other beauty necessity: my curling iron. It's 13 years old. Or, I should say, it was 13 years old. It finally broke last week. I sure do get my money's worth, huh? I guess I just look at some things as, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Well, it broke, and it sucks. So, I had the bright idea to use my mom's Velcro curlers after I got out of the shower last night. I figured, what the hell-how bad can it be? I tempted the fates, didn't I? So here I am with the curlers (please ignore the close-up, sans make-up.):
So anyway, I slept in them. Or attempted to. It figures it was the first night that my throat didn't feel like someone had raked it with a fiery fork and then thrown acid on it. So, I tortured myself with trying to find a comfortable position with those damn Velcro curlers, which kept sticking to my pillow.
This morning I used my useless dryer to make sure it was really dry. I ripped the curlers out (think of the sound Velcro makes when you tear it apart). And this is what I got:
Wait for it....
Wait for it.....
Hair spray, sexy head-shaking, spray gel, slick-down-the-fuzz crap....and this is the result:
Big Texas hair. Beauty pageant hair. Big, fake-looking, bounce-a-ball-off-the-top hair. Not really what I was going for. Not sure what I was expecting, but I can tell you it was not this.
Tomorrow I am going to buy a new curling iron, and soon, after my first paycheck, I will be purchasing a good hair dryer. What I need from all 2 of you is advice!: What brand of hair dryer do you use? Does it work great!? Please help! I cannot do another day of fuzzy curls pulled back in a bun, and I simply cannot do another night of sleeping on curlers for the result to be big Texas hair (even if I do live in Texas!). HELP!!
Aw! I don't think it looks that bad.
I wish I could help with a hair dryer, but I got the cheapest one at Target I could find. I'm a flatiron user so that's where my money goes.
Good luck on your quest!
I like the last picture, but mostly I LOVE your expressions! Hilarity!!!
I actually think your hair looks lovely.... so there..... I tried curlers once... which is silly when I already have curl in my hair.... the result? Think Shirley Temple.
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