Not the top five books on your shelf or the top five places you’ve done it. These are the five individuals you’re totally allowed to boink outside of wedlock or any sort of committed relationship. ]
Let me just tell you that this *may* have been one of the most difficult tasks EVER for me. I mean, seriously?? Just FIVE??? Le Sigh. Okay, okay, I'll follow the damn rules:
1. Josh Hamilton RAWR.

3. LL Cool J Dude, he's over 40, but I DO.NOT.CARE. Look the lips, the abs, the jawline, the arms, omg.
4. Jenny McCarthy Smart, funny, sexy.....
5. Taylor Kitsch I was pretty concerned about my obsession with Riggins (his character on Friday Night Lights), since he plays a teen. I felt sorta like a perv. Until I found out he is sooooo not a teen. *Whew* Re-commence the drool.I'm insanely worn out after this post. I mean, FIVE???? Seriously?!?
(By the way, here and here are my previous posts on my obsessions, for further eye candy).
***********************To all of you who participated in Session 1 of The "When Pills Aren't Enough" Sessions, thank you! Also, thanks to all the commentors as well! Session 2 will be soooooon. You can still click on the badge above and check out all of the posts.
Huh. I totally thought I would be on here...
(Brittany Murphy IS VERY Hot!!!) :-)
That is one of the only times I find Brittany Murphy attractive. Must be the cleavage.
give me Riggins.....and LL's lips on certain places...YUM
gawd i could lick LL's stomach....
That pic of Brittany Murphy? SO DAMNED HOT.
I left chicks off my list, but ... there are some niiiiiiice ones out there!
I think you and my hubby would get alone REALLY well. You share many of the same crushes...including LL
Dude. LL is HOTNESS. Age is just a number.
And I had a VERY hard time with picking five.
brittany murphy has boobs? and she actually doesn't look cracked out in that photo. she looks *gasp* sexy? wow.
my five would be:
1. rob pattinson (natch)
2. jackson rathbone
3. fletcher chouinard
4. adriana lima
5. kate moennig
errr you're right, it was hard to pick just five though.
p.s. i'm excited about 'pills' session 2! i was too slow and didn't get to participate in the first one. 'cause ya know, school and work own my soul. oh and there's that mini human that lives with me who also owns part of my soul ;). haha! you know how that goes.
Um, I just about fainted at LLCJ's stomach... oh the undies peeking over the jeans, under the abs... um... whoa...
Dayum... Jenny looks hot enough for my list in that pic! My chick crushes aren't on my list, but if they were, J-Lo would be at the very top. God she's friggin hot!
I had no idea who Taylor K was before reading your post, but O.M.G., I think I'm going to get to know him. :)
Woah. I don't know if I should thank you or blame you for introducing me to Higgins. Yum!
Mmm I'm with you on them all except Riggins. He's to..pretty (?) for me. But holy hell Brittany Murphy and Jenny McCarthy are HOT!!
Your 5 is full of yummy men and women...why didn't I think to add any women. Damn...
And god, I love Brittany Murphy.
OMG...LL Cool J's lips. They're in a category all their own aren't they?
Yes, ladies really DO love Cool James. I'd love to wash my delicates on those washboard abs... *dies from the hotness that is LL*
I love baseball players. I almost included David Wright, from the NY Mets, to my list!
Brittany Murphy is pretty sexy, whoo! I haven't seen a pic of her like that before.
... Excuse me while I go, umm... yeah. Bye.
I'm with Badass Geek - normally Brittany Murphy does NOT look that good. But that pic? Wow.
Have to say you have some good taste :)
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