I also didn't do any school work, although I have 3 papers due in the next 5 weeks. I didn't do research, I didn't read a textbook, I didn't scan my notes.
I also didn't write one single damn blog post. I have SO.MANY in my head. I have post it notes all over the pages of my planner/calender. I've got witty and sappy things to post. Yet....
I did nothing.
Saturday night I went out for a new friend's birthday for dinner. We shut the place down. Then we walked over to a bar where I got in the face of a douche that called my sweet friend a whore or a slut (does it matter which??). He pissed me off. He was a creep. And ugly. And omg, I finally had to walk away, but not before I told him he would die alone, ugly and w/ a teeny dick.
Oh wait! I did laundry! Woohoo! I am a functional adult!
Okay, really. All of this to say: I might not be around a lot in the next few weeks. I might not read your posts, have fun on Twitter, or post here. You might not see my boobies on my other site. I just have so.much to do, damn it. But please know that I *will* catch up on your posts, I *will* talk about silly things on Twitter again, and I *will* drink too much wine & drunk dial people. It just may be a couple of weeks.

We won't be ignored DL...
it is quite possible that this is my favorite post you have ever written... and makes me want to go to a bar with you.
I'm sorry you are so overwhelmed! I hope I'm not adding to it! I can't wait to see you though.
You still have a planner?
That qualifies as adulthood, right there.
You're my hero. Pack tomorrow.
Dang girl. Remind me not to get on your sh*t list.
Take it easy. We'll be here when you get back.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that leaves everything to the last 30 secs. Pressure is an amazing motivator!
Happy Moving too :)
"I am a functional adult!" I love this simple declaration and the fact that it comes on the heels of "Woohoo!" You better not be gone for too long.
Everytime I read your blog I tell myself...the next place I fly ANYWHERE it is going to be to Texas so we can meet and go out and light up the town. Sigh...our day will come!
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