1. First, let's talk about this bag. My friend Tracey (Punkrockertracey) was in my aging class with me last Spring. I walked in and almost fell over when I saw her bag. I did fall over when I found out she made it! So, I paid her to have my own. And I LOVE it. I use it alllll the time.
She doesn't have anything in her shop right now, but check back often! If you like the bag, let me know, and I can hook you up with her and she will make one of your very own!
2. Next, please go to Fully Hooked and check out the beautiful work. I bought this cherry blossom ring:
And these bobby pins:
Her stuff is gorgeous, and I will definitely be making future purchases!
3. I bought this wallet from Batwa.The fabric selections are drop dead gorgeous.
4. Lireca made this cute pouch that I used at the restaurant. Now I use it when I don't feel like carrying a purse. My lip gloss, blackberry, cash, and license fit just perfect, and I attach my keys. PERFECT. And super cute. I apparently don't have the 'license' to post the picture here, so here's hoping the link works. Sigh.
Now it's your turn! Show me what you have bought recently that you adore!

LOVE the bag - hook me up! how much does she charge? and the ring? to die for. you have impeccable taste. it must be because you are a pisces. <3
Thanks for the plug!!! I could use some craft money (you know I just need more fabric!!!). Send any requests my way! Thanks again. Hope the new job is going well. We'll talk soon!
Crap, I just spent 90 minutes on Etsy. This post is very dangerous for both my self-diagnosed ADD and my spending impulse control problem.
All great finds, it's hard not to shop the Etsy.
Um, you do know I have an Etsy shop, right? :)
So I haven't been spending (though I seriously am coveting a clutch right now) I have been busily sewing my hands into early arthritis instead.
I got nuthin'...
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