Another friend always talks about how brave and strong I am. How inspiring I am, that I can get up every morning and smile, that I can enjoy things in spite of the torn-up tortured grief I have, that I can have hope and faith and feel love and a teeny seed of peace sprouting within the center of me. Please don't mistake all of that for being free of pain.
Yet another friend reads my blog and tells me "It's all so heavy."; "Don't you write about anything happy?" And I realize my stuff is heavy. My words do weigh me down, sometimes even after I've written them in my journal pages or typed them here. But life is heavy. The good, the bad, the unexpected, the lonely, the unfair, the painful, the unforgivable, the joyful, the blessed. All these things are so heavy, and I speak them to others not to lighten my load, but to share the load, to find companionship and fellowship among all of you who feel what I feel. But I grow weary carrying this all alone, even when I have friends and family who offer to help. Please don't mistake this for being free of strength.
Most days, I am okay. I thank God I'm alive, that I have a mother who cares enough to take me and my daughter in. I feel blessed that my girl is strong, that I have strength I didn't know I had. Most days, I feel strong and happy and almost carefree. But please don't mistake carefree with free of care.
I am all the awful things you can think someone would be w/ a broken heart. I am all the awful things I never wanted to be, and always despised in others. I feel weak and broken and tired and torn and weary and angry and spiteful and dizzily full of rage.
I am free.
I make a conscious decision every day to focus on the seedling of peace taking root within myself. And to focus on that tiny whisper of hope floating through the air, catching the breeze and gliding to the ground to rest at my feet. I don't always win the battle-sometimes my focus is uncentered and my gaze falls a bit to the left. But never mistake that for being free of hope.
You ARE free in so many ways, DL but I understand why you feel afraid and uncentered. Nevertheless, you are a class act who has a gift with words and writing them is a good way to get them out of your system. I can understand why someone might say you don't write anything hopeful but's in the writing that you DO do that inspires you to maybe look at the brighter side of what has happened to you?
I don't know.
All I CAN say is are an amazing person who deserves to be happy with your life. We all understand mourning in some way. The pain of a broken relationship can take a long time to heal...but you WILL heal. And we'll be there to read about that moment as well. And then your life can continue and you will be, once again, the optimistic person we all know and love.
Get yourself better. Write more. Scream at the top of your lungs. Talk to friends. Fall in love again. Whatever it takes. And then take a deep breath and live all over again.
I second everything Alan says above. I love and miss you!
love you, sweetness.
i'm rooting for you.
get it? seedling? rooting?
pathetic. sorry.
I needed this today... I appreciate your heavy words and honesty. It's not easy to express life sometimes. I needed this. Thank you.
I am sure your friend is lovely but asking if you ever write about anything happy is a bit insensitive and a little mean. Do what you do in your own time. Plus, I get the feeling you get stuff off your chest here so you don't do it so burst in your life. Your blog, your thoughts, your feelings. Period.
I am sure your friend is lovely but asking if you ever write about anything happy is a bit insensitive and a little mean. Do what you do in your own time. Plus, I get the feeling you get stuff off your chest here so you don't do it so burst in your life. Your blog, your thoughts, your feelings. Period.
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